
Cuddles the bunny

A playful and curious little character that is always seeking new adventures!

Balloon Ride

Super Cuddles!

Scooter Time

Jumping Puddles

Playing Dress Up

Cuddles the Biker

Bouncing Around

Catching Butterflies

Dax the Daschund

A mischevous puppy who will become your best friend in no time!

The Lifeguard

Red Balloon Ride

Get the Ball!

Super Dax

Picking Daisies

Yellow Balloon Ride

Sonia Wayand Painting

About Me

I started taking an interest in art from a very early age. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where art was part of our livelihood. We were 4 siblings. I was the 3rd and only girl. My father was a graphic designer and painted landscapes. My mother’s trade was clothes design. She also did the most beautiful embroidery and crochet which she incorporated in her gown designs. Both my parents were artists, but my mother was the more creative of the two, she also possessed the most delicate hands, that showed in everything she did, sewing was her true passion. Later in life she also painted, she loved to paint flowers and spent many hours dedicated to creating beautiful bouquets of flowers.

One of the images that are very present in my mind from my childhood is that every time dad finished a landscape or any other art piece, he, without failing, sought my mother’s approval. She always had the last saying concerning my dad’s paintings.

I was born in the 60’s, those days in my native country El Salvador was in a time of flourishing. There was no shortage of work for my dear parents. It was a peaceful and rich country. There was a time when El Salvador was the 3rd major exporter of coffee in the world. And I was very fortunate to have lived during that time. Life was easy. These times were very influential in my formation as a person. Born and raised in El Salvador, I consider myself lucky, as it is a country characterized by its natural beauty, perfect climate, above all its lush vegetation, warm and sunny, where you’ll find volcanoes, ocean, cascades and even geysers, home to many artists, not just in plastic arts but letters and architectural design.

I confess I never studied any kind of formal art. My art school was at home. I was so fortunate to have both my parents working from home. My artistically formative ideas come from spending countless hours observing my parents doing their work and experimenting with all the material that was lying around their studios. I was free to play at my leisure with the leftover material. Colorful fabrics, ribbons, buttons, paper of all kinds, paints, brushes, colored pencils, and my favourite of all ink!

I was so fortunate to have such supportive parents to all my attempts at art, they never stopped encouraging me to use my creative mind, they always praised my work, especially my mother.

I have resided in Canada since 1990 when we immigrated. I am married now for 30 years to a wonderful and supportive husband and I have the best son I could have ever wished for.

We are a very small business selling unique designs. Dax the dachshund and the bunnies are my favorite characters. I am constantly considering adding new designs. I always felt more comfortable drawing animal characters. It made the people around me smile. At school I was known for giving life to little creatures. I am making what makes me happy and my goal is to share that happiness. In my next set of designs I will be combining my two passions, drawing the animals with a nature’s background.

My mission is to deliver a unique design on a garment made with love, care and the best quality for all to enjoy.

Contact Sonia

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